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Gracehaven - Aegis
Instructions and Introduction to Aegis
Introduction to the Aegis Approach (4:11)
Continued Introduction; Social Survival (2:49)
Section 1
Section 1.1: Stress Inoculation (3:03)
Section 1.2 and 1.3: Cognitive Preparation and Triggers (5:42)
Section 1.4: Mental Maps (3:26)
Sections 1.5 to 1.8: Mental Imagery, Tactical Breathing, Observation, Informed Intuition (8:49)
Section 2
Section 2: Non-Verbal Acuity Introduction and Section 2.1 Learning Formula for Non-Verbal Acuity (4:11)
Section 2.2 and 2.3: Freeze and Fight Clusters (7:03)
Sections 2.4 and 2.5: Aggression Cluster and Pacifiers (4:49)
Happy Cluster (5:51)
Section 2.8: Emotion in the Face (3:41)
Section 2.8 Brief Discussion (6:21)
Sections 2.9 and 2.10: Analog Verbal Acuity and De-escalation Cluster (6:40)
Section 2.10: Utilizing Trust Plane (2:25)
Section 3
Introduction to Section 3 and Section 3.1 (3:35)
"It's Not About the Nail" video
Empathy and Listening; Attending in Crisis (3:21)
Utilizing Open-Ended Questions (3:20)
Short Discussion on Close and Open-Ended Questions (3:38)
Section 3.1 Static Language, Processing Language and Positive Language (4:37)
Section 3.2 The Science and Art of Rapport (6:27)
Section 3.3 to 3.5: Visual and Auditory Representational Systems (3:08)
Section 3.6: Kinesthetic Representational System and Section 3.7: Mirroring and Matching (4:19)
Section 3.8: Leading (1:23)
Section 3.9: Insulating Techniques (5:03)
Section 3.9 Insulating Techniques, continued (3:13)
Section 3.10: ABC's of De-Escalation (6:24)
Section 3.10 (continued) to Section 3.12 (4:31)
Section 3.13: De-Escalation Sequence A to C (4:07)
Section 3.13: De-Escalation Sequence D and E (4:42)
Section 3.14: Utilizing Rapport: Group Control (2:52)
Section 4
Section 4 Material (3:45)
Gracehaven Aegis Exam
Happy Cluster
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